Fluidity of Attraction –– a new series!

“Fluidity of Attraction” is a rare and novel series where the subject matter –– Attraction –– the artistic elements –– Iron Nanoparticle Suspension, Rare-Earth Magnetic Field, Ambient Light, Sky, Shadow and Reflection –– and, the medium used –– Captured Collage –– all converge on a single quality, the quality of being ephemeral!

Attraction based on beauty and lust, the most common type of attraction, is fleeting. And, when not evanescent, it ebbs and flows with time, it is fluid.

Attraction of the iron nanoparticles is temporary, dependent upon a magnetic field.

My collages after I capture them, last as long as my whim.

Truisms -- mostly, Volume II, page 11

I create temporary collages, paintings, and installations, illuminate them with ambient light to create dimensionality, capture the ensemble with a camera, and print with minimal post-processing. The collage or installation is dismantled, or the painting is erased, and exists only as a single, archival canvas print. At present, I call this evolving medium, “Captured Collage.”

To explore this series on my Art page, please click here.